Please check here from time to time as resources are frequently reviewed, updated, and added to. If you do use any of the resources provided here please make sure you acknowledge their sources and authors. If you would like further advice or assistance to use any of the materials, or to establish a competency based Community Development Worker (CDW) training program and in-house assessment within your organisation, please contact us.

PowerPoint CDW Awareness. If you download this PowerPoint it will give you an overview of the CDW National Standard and how accreditation works. Advance each slide by clicking with the mouse. This is a large file (76MB)

CDW National Standard and the CDW National Standard Information Pamphlet. A copy of the CDW National Standard is also available from the National Apprenticeship and Trade Testing Board (NATTB), and available on their website at:

CDW Workplace Assessment Handbook. The following handbook explains in detail the CDW assessment process. It is a guide for assessors, development organisations and CDW candidates to ensure in-house work-place assessment procedures are established correctly and so that assessments are conducted fairly and professionally. Assessment instruments, used by assessors to collect evidence of the candidate’s competence, are available for download on this website on the page titled Assessment Instruments. The CDW Assessor code of conduct is included in the Handbook, but a copy of the code of conduct is also provided separately below the Handbook file here. The CDW National Standard provides a useful basis for preparing CDW duty statements and terms of reference. Attached is an example of a possible duty statement for a CDW engaged to conduct awareness and facilitate agreement.

CDW competency based training coursebooks. These coursebooks can be delivered in two modes. They can be delivered as formal training by trainers. If you have good trainers, this is by far the best mode for learning outcomes. However, to help organisations where formal training by trainers is difficult, these coursebooks can also be in the workbook mode. In the workbook mode, participants go through each coursebook themselves (ideally working alongside colleagues). The course facilitators guide contains the answers to the key questions that participants who use the workbook mode will need to answer (and submit to the course facilitator) as evidence that they have completed each workbook.

Summary handouts for each Unit (each Element). Development of these summary handouts is ongoing. Over time handouts will be developed for each Unit (each Element).