Below are the official NATTB assessment instruments used to assess each Element in the eight CDW Core Units. The Level 3 assessments will be uploaded when they have been developed. Feel free to download these assessment instruments.
There are no answers on the assessment instruments – only the assessment questions and tasks. This is why the assessment instrument itself is not confidential. Knowing the assessment questions and tasks beforehand is part of the learning process. If a CDW Workplace Assessor wants the answers (the guiding notes) for the assessment instrument, then they can ask the NATTB CDW Trade Test Coordinator for a copy (or contact us through this website). However, the guiding notes are confidential. A number of methods are used to collect evidence for each Element during assessment, but the most important are ‘observation’ and ‘skill demonstration’. A candidate cannot be found ‘competent’ unless they can actually perform or demonstrate the critical performance criteria in front of a CDW Workplace Assessor. This means there is no way a candidate can be assessed as ‘competent’ unless they can actually perform or demonstrate the job.